Everyday life

A unique experience

The Residential Life is the ideal environment where to build great friendships, commit to one’s studies, partecipate in multiple cultural activities and educate one’s self on a human level.

Friendships, multiculturalism, formative activities, the various celebrations, workshops, the events hosted with public figures, are the ingredients that give Residential Life its uniqueness. Rivalto truly is the ideal place to both study and have fun!

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Family atmosphere

Friendship” is pherhaps one of the key-words that everyone who knows Rivalto would use to describe the Residence: to share places, educational activities, study and leisure time with fellow residents gives the opportunity to not only feel at home, but to forge meaningful and long-lasting bonds.

As in any home, everyone is expected to contribute to the Residential life: the little tasks assigned are opportunities for growth in teamwork, social abilities, management skills, and commitment, as well as moments of sharing within the friendly atmosphere of the residence.

Special moments

During a year of Residential Life there are some unmissable events: the inauguration of the academic year, the celebrations of the residents’ birthdays, the Chrismas Party and the Families’ Party at the end of the academic year.

Another important event is the Weekend Abroad, during which residents have the opportunity to participate in educational and tourist activities in an international environment.

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Volunteering and becoming socially responsible

The Residence offers various volunteer activities to show how much can be done with very little: from soup kitchens to catechism classes and assistance for the elderly.

Volunteering aims to provide an opportunity to engage in something that has a broader perspective than a typical university day; it seeks to help expand horizons and foster growth in generosity, awareness, and civic engagement by caring for others and providing useful services to the city and community.

In addition to volunteering throughout the year, the Rui Foundation involves its residents in volunteer camps during the summer, allowing them to connect with situations of neglect and hardship—such as in orphanages or rural villages—and work to change them. Nicaragua, India, Guatemala, Peru, and Kenya are some of the countries where development projects are actively carried out by the Rui Foundation, in collaboration with local or international NGOs.

Christian formation

Rivalto is a place that stimulates a passion for every dimension of humanity, with an authentically academic spirit: open to truth and respectful of each person’s freedom.

Through daily dialogue with professors and students, debates, and discussions on current issues, the residence offers the opportunity to engage with the great questions of human existence, also through the Christian formation programs offered to those who wish.

In the residence, there is indeed the possibility to live, in freedom and serenity, the dimension of the Catholic faith: there is a small chapel where Holy Mass is celebrated, and a chaplain is available to provide spiritual support to those who wish. Participation in these activities is always voluntary: the residence is open to students of all religious denominations.

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Life @ Rivalto Hall in Trieste: a fully immersive experience in Italy | Rivalto Residenza Universitaria a Trieste, Università degli Studi SISSA